Friday, April 20, 2012

Friends Around the World

I have missed all of my friends from the U.S., but I have made lots of new friends. Making new friends is a great way to get to know a place better. I have made British friends and I have also made American friends at Harlaxton. When I first got to England I made friends with a few of the kids my age who had come to Harlaxton too. These were the kids who helped me find all of the secret passages at Harlaxton. As the weeks went by I got to know a few of the kids on my footy (soccer) team in England. Nathan is one of my favorite British friends, and he and I hang out alot together. I have had fun exploring the woods at Harlaxton with him and going over to his house and climbing trees at a park by his place. It has been a blast. Another boy on my footy team named Reuben and I have become good friends. We have been newt hunting and he and his dad took me to a Nottingham Forest football game! These friends are like my good friends back home because we can cause trouble together! While I was playing with my British buds I was also making new friends with the college students. Who said college students can’t play sports and be fun? Well whoever does is wrong. I will not name all my college friends because you would be hearing a lot so I will only tell you a few:  Dex, Bill, Riley, Anna, Jordan, Griffin, Jack, Emily, Kait, Christy, Ben, Eric, Craig, Sam and Stephanie are a few of the college students I have gotten to know. A few of the Harlaxton kids I have gotten to know are Laith, Michael, Maddie, Brendan, Ryan, and Jacob. I have done almost all of my adventuring at Harlaxton with one of these kids. In the woods we have found bunkers and sniper nests that were used back in the war because British troops were actually stationed at Harlaxton. My friends and I also play board games (Risk) most every day and also Legos. Missing Harlaxton and England friends will be one of the many reasons I will be sad to leave England. Thanks for going on the expedition with me through this blog!

1 comment:

  1. There is an app where you can play risk. It is very fun. I cannot wait for Monday!
