Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Isaac Newton

My mom, sister and I went on a field trip today with a class at Harlaxton. We went to Isaac Newton’s home. In the house you got to see where he was born and also where he made some of his experiments (learning about spectrums). We also got to see the famous tree. It had fallen down in a storm, but it lived. It still produces apples today! You can see the apple tree in one of the photos we took. In the other photo, you can see me as part of a human sundial. The sundial was in the backyard. I wrote this story below from Isaac Newton's point of view.

Hi, I’m Isaac Newton. I’m going to tell you a little bit about my life. I was born on January 4, 1643 (or Christmas Day 1642, depending on which calendar you used at the time). I was a weak baby and people tell me I could have fit into a quart pot. My father died three months before I was born so I never met him. My mother left me with my grandma at age three and she went and married a clergy man. At age eight she came back with three more kids. The man had died. A few years later I was sent to a Grantham school. I was a poor student and I often spent time inventing my own knickknacks while the teacher was talking. One day a bully kicked me. I was mad so I fought him. Even though he was bigger than me I won. I wanted to be better at him in everything. From then on I always tried my best in school. A few years later my mom took me out of school to help her on the farm. I was not great at it and after I persuaded her I went to Trinity University. In 1665 the University closed down because of the black plague. I had a bachelor’s degree, but I had been planning on going farther. I went home and this is the time I learned about gravity. One day I watched an apple fall from an apple tree. As I watched the apple speed up before it hit the ground I thought about what made it speed up. I decided it was gravity. In other words, “What goes up must come down.” Little did I know I had just made it possible for many things including space travel about three hundred years later. After the plague I went back to Trinity and I got my master’s degree. After going to college I worked more on gravity. Gravity fascinated me so much my first few years out of college I studied it. I also practiced Alchemy (like chemistry but working with potions and things) even though it was banned in England in 1404. Through the years I invented many things. Two of the inventions are telescopes and pi. I was in the Parliament for one year and the whole time I only said one sentence. I asked for someone to close a window! In 1705 I was knighted by Queen Anne. I went from Isaac to Sir Isaac. I died in 1727. I am probably the greatest scientist that ever lived.


  1. Glad you made it back okay and back to a fun and interesting field trip. I cannot believe that tree still produces apples. What an amazing story, and should make us all realize to never give up no matter what obstacles we face. I know your dad will be over there with you soon, as well as some family friends. Emjoy your time with them.

    The Waiz's

  2. That is so cool how the tree still produces apples.
