Saturday, March 31, 2012

BBC and Wicked Fun

On Friday we went to London. We have been to London many times, but you can never get tired of it. We first were at Trafalgar Square. It is a big square right in the heart of London, and there are four big bronze lions in the square that I like to climb on. Right now there is also a big Olympic countdown clock that is ticking down the time until the Olympics start. The Olympics will be held in London so everybody is excited. After spending a little time in Trafalgar we went to the Thames, a river in London. We went on a river cruise! The Elsea family had been in London and we met back up for the cruise. Our ship was called the Symphony. When we got on we were assigned our seats and off we went down the river. We passed Big Ben and the London Eye, but the highlight was going under the Tower Bridge. I have walked around and over the Tower Bridge, but I had never seen under it. It was cool because everything went darker as we went under the bridge. Next it was time for us to say goodbye to the Elseas and for my mom to put on her professor hat. She had arranged for her classes to go on a BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) field trip and the students met us there for a tour. I got to see so many amazing things. I got to stand in TV studios. I also got to stand in a green room the Beatles were in. A green room is where actors sit before their show. Many of the actors were picky and had to have everything their way. We learned about one singer who had to be carried everywhere he went! He refused to walk on the stairs or take the lift (an elevator). Can you guess who it was? I will tell you in a minute. At the BBC I also got to be on a trivia game. I lost, but it was fun. I have heard lots of great things about BBC and I agree that they are all true. We next went to Wicked the musical. Wicked is like the Witches side to the Wizard of Oz. It was amazing. The singing was Wicked! The day was perfect. And for my friends who are having Spring Break this week, I hope your days are perfect too. The person who I was talking about being picky and having to be carried was Prince.


  1. I can't believe you have been to London many times!! How fun to be part of the trivia game. I am sure you did a great job. When we were in New York for a couple of days during Spring Break, Justin got picked to be an anchor during an NBC tour.


    1. That is so cool Justin got to be an anchor! I bet it was fun to see him on the screen.

  2. Wicked was the BEST! I have been listening to the songs on my ipod since we got home:) Did your mom tell you that we saw some of the actors leaving the theatre that night?

    1. We've been listening to the music on our CD too! My mom had mentioned you seeing the actors. That's awesome!
