Thursday, March 15, 2012


Yesterday the Lothamer family and my family took a small day trip to Lincoln. Lincoln is a town about an hour from Harlaxton. Lincoln is what the area, Lincolnshire, is named after. Lincoln is a town known for their huge hill with the gigantic cathedral at the top. We took a small train to Lincoln. When we got off you could see the hill. As we were walking up we stopped in a small, pretty building. We found out it was made around 900 A.D. It may have been the oldest building I had ever stepped in! Then we started our trek up the hill. Lots of people bustled up and down the street that went up to the top of the hill. On both sides of the street there were shops. We saw toy, candy, food, clothes, and electronic stores. We walked up and up and up. At about half way we ate lunch. After lunch we walked up and up and up some more. At a few points it was really steep. Finally we reached the top. If you looked left you could see a castle. If you looked right you could see a HUGE cathedral. We went straight to the cathedral. As soon as we stepped inside our mouths hung open. It was huge! There were big stone arches at the top to hold it up. At the sides there was loads of stained glass. The first thing we did was light a candle for my grandpa. We had lit one already in Paris, but we decided we could never light enough candles. It made me feel good. We walked around and learned lots of fun stories including one about an imp (a magical creature) who was turned to stone by angels. After the visiting the Lincoln Cathedral we stopped and peeked in the castle. It was big! Unfortunately our train was going to leave so we had to head back, but the castle did look cool. Lincoln was great! That night Harlaxton had a huge bonfire. They had been saving up lots of wood and grass since last year to make it burn. The fire was almost 20 feet in the air. Sparks were everywhere and everyone made a circle around it. The cold night turned into a steamy, fun glowing night.


  1. Hi Brock! I love your perspective on Lincoln! The city has such an interesting history and I bet you will agree that it is one of the most important cities in England. You possess excellent writing skills and I really enjoy reading your blog! Thank you for sharing!

  2. By the way, I light a candle for my dad in nearly every cathedral I visit. I believe it is a nice way to remember and honor him.
