Friday, March 2, 2012

Papa's Boy

I wrote this because this blog is like my journal. My grandpa has died. I loved and respected him. I would go fishing, boating and shooting at a range with him. He took me to my first Blue Angels show and he got me my first tricycle and foosball table. Every Saturday my family and him would have cappos (cappuccinos, and I would have juice) at my house. Every Father’s Day my mom would rent a boat. Sometimes we would go to Patoka and sometimes to Kentucky Lake. It was always so fun. When I found out my grandpa died, I bawled. I was sure the phone call on Wednesday couldn’t be right. He was too awesome to die. We would always have Christmas with him. It was a tradition that we would always eat shrimp. We also always played Christmas songs on the guitar. We are back in the U.S. now, and we will fly back to England on Sunday. In the pictures, you see one with my grandpa and I wearing matching hats. We didn’t even know it, but we each bought these hats from different places and then on the same weekend ended up wearing them for cappos. We couldn’t stop laughing that I bought a hat in Chicago and he got one from someplace else and we looked alike. The second picture is of Papa’s famous teachings. Every cappo visit he would teach us something new. Sometimes it was something funny like how I needed to stop slurping my juice and start appreciating it by slowing down. Many times the lessons had to do with money. When I was younger it was that two pennies is not as good as a nickel. As I got older it went more to how to count out money into rolls. That is what Papa and I are doing in the picture. He was the one that started me on my huge quarter collection.


  1. I feel so bad for you but, the hats thing is pretty funny.

  2. Dear Brock,we are so sorry about your grandpa.We know you will miss him so much.We hope you feel better.miss you!

    love and hugs,
    Sky and Addie

  3. Hi Brock! I'm so sorry about your grandpa and i'm praying for you. I hope you're okay and i can't wait to see you this weekend.

  4. Brock.....I am so sorry about your grandpa. I am sure
    he was a wonderful grandpa and loved you and your mom
    very much.

  5. Dear Bock:

    I am so sorry for you and for the loss you have felt. And you write so well about your grandfather and about all the things that you two did together, all the things that made him special to you. It is clear that you and he were very close, and that he loved you very much. I can only imagine how proud he must have been of both you and your sister. It is so good, so wonderful really that he knew you and that you knew him. You will always remember him and this time with your family.

    Please do take care of yourself and your mother. I think the world of all of you.

    all our love,


  6. Dear Brock,
    I was so sad to hear about your grandfather. I know he wa a terrific grandfather and meant so much to you and your family. It was great that you were able to write about him in your blog. You have such wonderful memories of him, and that will always be special to you.

  7. Dear Brock- your writing brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing Papa you had! You will always have such special memories of your times together. Big hugs to you all!

  8. Thank you all so much. He really was an amazing grandpa. I like getting your notes, and it helps a lot. My mom and I are talking about how it will be good to get to the stage where it is still ok to be sad now and then, but our main feeling will be on remembering all the super fun times we all had.

  9. Brock,

    You are so blessed to have all of these wonderful memories of your grandpa. Because you were so close, I know it makes you especially sad, but it means you loved deeply. Remember he lives on in you, and your sister, and your mom..... Your mom told me that to know you and your mom's personality we knew your Grandpa.

    Sandy, Kirk, Andrew & Justin

    1. Thanks for coming over to the house while we were home. My mom said it was really nice to show you photos of the happy times we had with my grandpa boating, going to the horse races and laughing over cappos. The trip home after we got the bad phone call was crazy quick and pretty stressful, but it helped to have friends with us.

  10. Brock, so sorry to read about your wonderful grandfather. You have so many wonderful memories by having him live close by as you were growing up. I'm glad you had a safe return to England. Tell your mother hello. We are praying for you guys.
    The Haynes family.

    1. Thanks guys. My mom and I are happy to have the memories we do. We're trying to keep up traditions, even if it sounds silly. We are buying whole pineapples and then slicing them and enjoying them. My grandpa would always bring over a whole pineapple for us to eat. Sometimes keeping up traditions is the best way to remember somebody. Love, Brock

  11. Hi Brock,
    I have been reading your blog (and Layla's) and I am learning a lot! I loved the story about your Papa. Although I have not seen him for a long time, I do remember that he was such a funny guy. He could always make people laugh. Also,I know he was so proud of you and loved seeing you and spending time with you. You have lots of special memories and funny stories that will always be part of the great young man you have become. The picture of the two of you with matching hats is great! :)
    Aunt Nancy
